latest update

DG NDRF informed about several issues including rescue operations on Zee 24 Ghanta Exclusive interview PT2M45S

Balasore Train Accident: উদ্ধারকার্য সহ একাধিক বিষয় নিয়ে জানালেন ডিজি এনডিআরএফ | Zee 24 Ghanta

DG NDRF informed about several issues including rescue operations on Zee 24 Ghanta Exclusive interview

Jun 4, 2023, 07:45 PM IST
The railway board opened its mouth about the cause of the train accident PT1M16S
The body of a foreigner was recovered in Newtown the statement of the app cab driver came forward PT4M54S

Newtown: নিউটাউনে উদ্ধার বিদেশির দেহ, সামনে এল অ্যাপ ক্যাব চালকের বয়ান | Zee 24 Ghanta

The body of a foreigner was recovered in Newtown the statement of the app cab driver came forward

May 16, 2023, 09:05 PM IST