joynagar the murder of a minor girl

Jayanagar is bursting with demands for justice PT8M30S
Jaynagar Incident Post mortem report causes a stir tension rises in Jaynagar as the body returns PT4M47S

Jaynagar Incident: ময়নাতদন্তের রিপোর্টে চাঞ্চল্য, দেহ ফিরতেই উত্তপ্ত জয়নগর! | Zee 24 Ghanta

Jaynagar Incident: Post-mortem report causes a stir, tension rises in Jaynagar as the body returns!

Oct 7, 2024, 11:05 PM IST
Sensational information in the autopsy Jayanagar is bursting with demands for the execution of the detained PT2M12S

Jaynagar Incident: ময়নাতদন্তে চাঞ্চল্যকর তথ্য, ধৃতের ফাঁসির দাবিতে ফুঁসছে জয়নগর! | Zee 24 Ghanta

Sensational information in the autopsy, Jayanagar is bursting with demands for the execution of the prisoner!

Oct 7, 2024, 11:05 PM IST
Sukantas letter to the Centre regarding the Jaynagar incident TMCs sharp rebuttal PT3M38S

Sukanta Majumdar: জয়নগরকাণ্ডে কেন্দ্রকে চিঠি সুকান্তর, পাল্টা কটাক্ষ TMC-র! | Zee 24 Ghanta

Sukanta Majumdar: Sukanta's letter to the Centre regarding the Jaynagar incident, TMC's sharp rebuttal!

Oct 7, 2024, 07:20 PM IST