7 Fascinating Facts About Zebra

Nitesh Dubey
Feb 05, 2025

Stripes are unique

Zebra’s each stripes are in a unique pattern just like human’s fingerprints.

Stripes help in protection

The black stripes of Zebra help them from the dangerous blood sucking flies.

Zebra Foals are powerful

Zebra Foals are very tough and strong as they are born because they start walking within a few minutes of birth.

Zebras are social animals

Zebras are always seen in the troops and they easily socialize to form the new family in different troops.

Can Sleep While Standing

Zebras can sleep while in their standing state but they lock their knees joints which helps them to escape.

Stripes Helps with communication

Zebras have uniqueness in their black stripes which help them to recognize between them.

Similar to Donkey

The Species of Zebras are related to donkeys and horses which make them have a similar look.


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