7 Surprising Secrets About Mars That You Probably Didn’t Know

(All photos credit: x)

Saqib Ashraf
Feb 05, 2025

1. Mars' Oceans

There are traces of oceans being on the surface of Mars at one point. The shoreline hints of a possible ocean in the northern lowlands.

2.Olympus Mons

The largest volcano in the solar system. Olympus Mons is not only the largest volcano in our solar system but also the tallest mountain known.

3.The Valles Marineris

The canyon Valles Marineris is the largest canyon system on the Red Planet; it's even larger than the Grand Canyon

4. Methane In The Martian Atmosphere

Traces of methane have been found in Mars’ atmosphere solidifying the possibility that Mars could potentially be able to host life.

5. The Two-Faced Planet

Dichotomy of Hemispheres, The Red Planet has disparity between its northern and southern hemispheres.

6. Water on Mars

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has found evidence backing water flowing on Mars’ surface in small amounts.

7. The Magnetic Stripes

Data reveals there are traces of magnetic field on the crust of Mars. Proving Mars used to be an Earth-like planet.


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