Try These 7 DIY Masks for Oily Scalp

Saman Rehman
Feb 01, 2025

Lemon & Yogurt Mask

Take 2 tbsp yogurt add 1 tbsp lemon juice, mix well. Apply to the scalp and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Aloe Vera & Tea Tree Oil Mask

Mix 3 tbsp aloe vera gel with 3 drops tea tree oil. Apply to the scalp, massage gently and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse with mild shampoo.

Egg White & Honey Mask

Whisk 1 egg white, add 1 tsp honey and mix thoroughly. Apply to the scalp, leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water and mild shampoo.

Oatmeal & Milk Mask

Blend 3 tbsp oatmeal into fine powder, mix with 2 tbsp milk. Apply paste to scalp, leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Green Tea Mask

Brew ¼ cup green tea, let cool. Add 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and mix well. Apply with a cotton pad, leave 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Banana & Honey Mask

Mash 1 ripe banana, add 1 tsp honey and mix well. Apply to the scalp, let sit for 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Baking Soda & Water Mask

Mix 2 tbsp baking soda with enough water to form a paste. Apply to the scalp, leave for 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water.


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