Skipping a patch test can lead to irritation or allergic reactions. Always test a small amount of your product on your arm before applying it to your face.
Sleeping with makeup, dirt, and oil on your skin clogs pores and leads to acne. Wash your face every night to keep your skin fresh.
Your neck and hands are prone to sun damage, causing premature aging. Always apply sunscreen to these areas to prevent wrinkles and dark spots.
Dry or dull skin may signal dehydration. Drink plenty of water and use hydrating skincare products to restore moisture and keep your skin healthy.
Over-exfoliating strips the skin’s natural oils and causes irritation and sensitivity. Stick to exfoliating 2 times a week to maintain a balanced glow.
Constantly touching your face transfers bacteria and oil from your hands, leading to breakouts. Avoid unnecessarily touching to keep your skin clear and acne free
Dirty pillowcase, phone, and makeup brushes can transfer bacteria to your skin, causing breakouts. Clean these items regularly to maintain healthy, clear skin.