7 Tips To Save Dying Tulsi Plant

Bhavya Sharma
Feb 18, 2025

Keep In Proper Sunlight

Tulsi needs a lot of sunlight so, keep it in a sunny spot for at least 4-6 hours a day.

Regular Watering

Water the plant when the soil feels dry on top. Don’t over-water it and let the water drain out to avoid soggy roots.

Use Good Soil

Use a soil that drains well. You can try mixing compost with garden soil as it helps prevent the roots from rotting.

Regular Trimming

Cut off any dead or yellow leaves to help the plant grow new ones. Trim the top to make it stronger.

Check for Pests

Look for tiny bugs like aphids. If you see any, spray the leaves with a safe bug spray.

Focus On Temperature

Tulsi likes warm weather, so keep it away from cold places. It needs temperatures somewhat between 70-90°F to thrive.

Use Fertilizer

Feed your Tulsi with natural fertilizer once a month. Don’t overdo it as too much fertilizer can harm the plant.


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