7 Natural Ways to Straighten Your Hair at Home:

Anaika Sohal
Feb 14, 2025

Apply Aloe Vera:

You can directly apply aloe vera to your hair or just add coconut oil and then apply it for half an hour and then rinse it.

Rice water:

Wash your hair with rice water to get straight, smooth, and shiny hair, soak rice for at least an hour to get rice water.

Egg and olive oil mask:

Take eggs then whisk it properly with olive oil, use it on your hair as a hair mask, and then rinse it properly, it will provide silkiness to your hair.

Castor oil massage:

Champy your hair with castor oil and then comb your hair properly so that there is no entangled hair left.

Coconut milk and lemon mask:

By using blended coconut milk and lemon, frizziness from the hair lessens and straightens your hair over time.

Banana and honey hair pack:

This mask not only helps to straighten hair but also brings shine to it by making it smoother and less wavy.

Combing while drying:

Whenever you wash your hair while they are drying keep combing lightly in between so that your hair remains straight.


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