(All photos credit: X and freepik)
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”
“Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of another.”
“It’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that person is, it doesn’t hurt you.”
“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.”
“You can choose your friends but you sure can't choose your family, and they're still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge them or not, and it makes you look right silly when you don't.”
“I wanted to see if I could keep it to myself, but I couldn't. I wanted to be a lawyer, too.”
“We are paying the highest tribute you can pay a man. We trust him to do right. It’s that simple.”