7 Authentic Gujarati Dishes You Must Try

(All Pics Credit: freepik)

Olivia Sarkar
Apr 11, 2024


A savoury steamed cake made from fermented rice and chickpea flour batter, typically served with chutney.


Thin rolls made from gram flour and yogurt, seasoned with mustard seeds, and topped with grated coconut and coriander leaves.


A mixed vegetable dish cooked with a blend of spices, typically including potatoes, sweet potatoes, brinjal (eggplant), green beans, and more, often served with puris.

Gujarati Kadhi

A tangy yogurt-based curry flavored with ginger, green chilies, and spices, often served with rice or khichdi.


Crispy, a deep-fried snack made from chickpea flour, often enjoyed with chutney or pickles.


A savory cake made from a fermented batter of rice, lentils, and vegetables, typically baked or cooked in a pan.

Methi Thepla

Flatbreads made from whole wheat flour, fenugreek leaves, and spices, often enjoyed with yogurt or pickles.


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