Asthma can be due to psychosomatic issues. Allergens, anxiety, fear, phobias, stress, family history, painkillers, and specific foods can all contribute to it. Early morning nourishment is vital; vitality will lead to victory. Once we are awake; we need to have lots of oxygen. Take in a lot of sunshine. Fill your lungs with oxygen and do yoga. Yoga has certain postures which increase your bio-mechanics shared by Dr Mickey Mehta, Global Leading Holistic Health Expert. (All pics: Freepik)
Stand straight and place your hands on your waist, supporting it with your fingers pointing front. Using your waist as support, try bending back as far as you can. Hold yourself upright, breathe regularly, and maintain balance.
Lie down on your stomach. Keep your hands folded at the elbow next to your chest. Inhale slowly raise your torso upwards, exhale and come down.
Start in Vajrasana, and come up in a kneel-down position with toes inwards. Inhale, slowly raise your hands to touch your heels. Bring hips forward and lean upper body in backward direction. Bend the head and spine as backwards as possible. Slowly exhale and come down in the Balasana position.
Bend your knees and bring your feet, and soles together, to your groin. Hold hands on your toes or feet while maintaining a straight back. As comfortable, bring your feet up to the groin and push your knees towards the mat. For stability, contract your core and concentrate on the groin and thigh stretches.
Lie down on your back, and fold your knees facing upwards. Inhale, lift your buttocks, back, and chest area slowly upwards. Hold for 20 seconds, exhale slowly and come back.
Sit down, spread your legs apart, breathe out and bend forward. This pose stretches the back muscles, helps you breathe more deeply, and is calming.
In the cat position, inhale, curve your back face up–exhale and arch the back facing downward. This opens up the chest.
Different pranayama methods, like bellows breath (Bhastrika Pranayama), alternating nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana), and deep breathing (Dirga Pranayama), also help treat asthma. When you breathe out you are weeding out all your emotional trauma, negative feelings, resentment, hate and anxiety.