Game Of Thrones is one of the most viral tv shows of all time which ran from 2011 to 2019.
Breaking Bad is a dramatic Web series which gained very quick popularity of fans and is one of the most loved series of all time.
A series based on the vampires is the top rated show with 8 seasons that ran from 2009 to 2017.
A Horror sci-fi series with diverse story and impactful characters which is running from 2016 and the last season is still to be telecasted.
A sitcom series with funny characters which ran from 1994-2004 and still the show has a strong fanbase.
The Office is also a sitcom on a group of typical office workers which ran from 2005-2013.
A Korean Tv series that was first introduced in 2021 and is currently a trending series on Netflix.
A story About the most famous detective of all time Sherlock Holmes consisting of 4 Seasons.