(All photos credit: X & IMDb)
Released in 2024, this thrilling South Korean Drama revolves around the story of eight participants locked in a building on separate floors.
This horror film is about a bride whose life took an unexpected turn on her wedding night when her in-laws forced her to participate in a deadly game.
Released in 1987, this amazing film is set in a dystopian future in which a man had to escape death, a perfect blend of action and thrill.
This very popular drama follows a story of a secret game where 456 participants played deadly games, packed with horror, action and emotions.
In this psychological thriller film six strangers were sent to cross a series of deadly escape rooms with intense deadly puzzles.
First released in 2012, this science fiction adventure drama is about teenagers who were forced to participate in a televised death match.
This classic Japanese action film revolves around the story of high school students who were forced to fight to the death on a deserted island.