Fate series have one of the animation and story but some of the animation ruined the recent episodes like the fight between Mordred vs. Semiramis.
Berserk used one of the bad animations, the adaptation of the storyline was good but the animation failed to impress the fans.
Ex-arm used the animation which was not so charismatic and the characters movement and facial expressions were ruined.
Fans were happy with the movie's scenes and animation but due to the change of studio the ending was destroyed and corrupted.
The rushed production of the Anime nearly destroyed the graphics and animation of the series , especially the Tokyo Ghoul Manga.
Dragon Balls are one of the most popular animes of all time but in the early production was not so charismatic which was later improved.
Naruto has some of the best fights in the series but during the War- Arc the anime suffered some of the bad animation.