7 Anime Series Ruined Due To Bad Animation

Nitesh Dubey
Feb 14, 2025

Fate/ Apocrypha (2017)

Fate series have one of the animation and story but some of the animation ruined the recent episodes like the fight between Mordred vs. Semiramis.

Berserk (2016 & 2017)

Berserk used one of the bad animations, the adaptation of the storyline was good but the animation failed to impress the fans.

Ex-arm (2021)

Ex-arm used the animation which was not so charismatic and the characters movement and facial expressions were ruined.

Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods (2019)

Fans were happy with the movie's scenes and animation but due to the change of studio the ending was destroyed and corrupted.

Tokyo Ghoul: re (2018)

The rushed production of the Anime nearly destroyed the graphics and animation of the series , especially the Tokyo Ghoul Manga.

Dragon Ball (2015-2018) (Early Episodes)

Dragon Balls are one of the most popular animes of all time but in the early production was not so charismatic which was later improved.

Naruto Shippuden (2007-2017)

Naruto has some of the best fights in the series but during the War- Arc the anime suffered some of the bad animation.


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