
Aadhaar Card Suspended: What Does It Mean? How To Retrieve It? Process Explained

If your Aadhaar card is suspended you will not be able to use it for any purpose that requires submission of Aadhaar as a document proof. Know the process to activate suspended Aadhaar card.

Aadhaar Card Suspended

Aadhaar Card Suspended

If you have received an update that your Aadhaar is suspended and you have been asked to update, it means that there are discrepancies in your personal details. 


Aadhaar Card Suspended: What Does It Mean?

Aadhaar Card Suspended: What Does It Mean?

A suspended Aadhaar card means it is not in an authenticatable status but the problem can be easily solved.


What To Do If Aadhaar Card Is Suspended

What To Do If Aadhaar Card Is Suspended

If an Aadhaar is suspended, the normal mode of update is through a physical visit by the resident to the enrollment centers. 

Aadhaar Card Suspended: How To Update?

Aadhaar Card Suspended: How To Update?

You will need to do the required update as informed to you in the communication sent by UIDAI. 

Aadhaar Card Suspended: Where To Go?

Aadhaar Card Suspended: Where To Go?

In the Permanent Enrolment Centre you will have to provide the required documents sought by UIDAI and follow the enrolment update process. 

Aadhaar Card Suspended: How To Activate?

Aadhaar Card Suspended: How To Activate?

An Aadhaar Card Suspended status usually comes when the fingerprints are somehow missing in your Aadhaar or there might be some document issue. In both these cases UIDAI will suspend your Aadhaar Card.


Aadhaar Card Suspended: Time Taken To Activate It

Aadhaar Card Suspended: Time Taken To Activate It

When you get an Aadhaar Suspended Communication, simply visit the Aadhaar Permanent Enrollment Center and give your Biometric Update or provide your original ID proof, whichever has been asked. Your Aadhaar will be activated in a week's time.